The Benefits of Prefabricated Support Frames

Obviously, prefabrication can come in many forms from a complete prefabricated building to a simple prefabricated pipe support bracket.

In this blog we take a look at the benefits of prefabricated support frames as they can be ideal for many Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications for the support of cables, pipework, ductwork and air handling units (AHU’s). We are certainly seeing an increasing trend with our customers implementing prefabrication on projects wherever it’s viable.


Benefits of Prefabricated Support Frames

Reduction in the number of skilled workers required onsite

Although installation of support frames will still be a skilled job, the required design, cutting, shaping, assembly and welding etc. can all be done off site with designated areas in the manufacturing hub allowing each team to focus on completing their specific task.

Speed of installation

The prefabricated support frames can be delivered to site ready to install, reducing the amount of time required onsite.

A more efficient use of resources

If installing frames on site, workers may need to spend time walking around site to find materials, plus set up areas for cutting and welding as they go. Prefabrication makes the process for producing and installing support frames more efficient.

Reduce the risk of delay

If workers are creating support frames as they go the lack of just one component can bring the installation process to a halt whilst that component is sourced. With prefabrication all components can all be delivered to the manufacturing hub where stock and usage can be more accurately monitored and predicted.

Save space on site

With space often at a premium on site, removing the need for designated cutting or assembly areas, plus far less stock sitting around can be a distinct advantage in maintaining a tidy and safe environment.

Improved health and safety onsite

Since the need for cutting, drilling, welding and assembly onsite is limited, health and safety should be improved. Offsite manufacturing hubs’ can be set up with greater control over such tasks to maintain health and safety there too. In addition to reducing risk of injury the amount and variety of PPE required onsite can be greatly reduced too.

More secure stock holding

The delivery of components for the frames to an off-site manufacturing hub, means less small components are required on site for prolonged periods of time, reducing the risk of loss. Manufacturing hubs can also hold greater stocks, requiring less frequent deliveries.

Less waste

When frames are prefabricated off site, cutting can be done more efficiently, plus any left-over components can be stored or used on other projects, rather than going to waste.

Standardised design and quality

The design and assembly of prefabricated frames being undertaken by specialists off site gives greater control over the standardisation of the support frames, often improving the overall quality achieved.

Reduced costs

All the above, from more efficient installation to improved use of resources can help in reduce the costs involved with installing support frames.


Considerations for Prefabrication

Of course, prefabrication of support frames will not be suitable for every project. As there are a number of factors to consider too, such as:

  • Project size, is the project large enough to warrant off site prefabrication?
  • Are there any challenges onsite that would prevent standardised support frames from being used, ie will frames need to be frequently adapted to be successfully installed?
  • Availability of an off-site manufacturing hub, with the required labour and components? Alternatively, a trusted support partner can be used to supply the completed prefabricated frames.
  • Is there a clear plan for delivery of the prefabricated frames from the manufacturing hub to site? As prefabricated frames will need to be unloaded and transported to their designated area onsite. With sites often having restrictions on deliveries and with prefabricated frames obviously being somewhat bulkier than their individual components, this will need to be accounted for.
  • Response to challenges on site, as it’s not always possible to fully envisage what will come up on fast-moving construction sites? Workers may therefore still have to deal with unforeseen obstacles, that will impact on the installation of the prefabricated frames.


Prefabricated Support Frames Summary

In summary prefabrication of support frames is an excellent way to improve efficient use of resources which can also deliver both time and cost saving benefits. With prefabrication being a natural solution to many of the issues facing the construction industry it’s understandable why many big names are embracing it, and it’s likely to just be a matter of time before it becomes the norm on projects across the UK.

For more details on how we can help with prefabrication from supplying the required components to simple prefabricated brackets and frames, contact our team at [email protected] or on 01322 274226.

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