Things To Expect During OSHA Inspection Archives

OSHA Inspection

Things To Expect During OSHA Inspection

  • Posted On: November 21, 2016

  • Categorized In: Lockout Device / Lockout/Tagout / LOTO devices / OSHA Standard

  • Written By: Lockout India

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) is both a Jedi and Darth Vader for the industrial companies. One way it shows light to those who seek help, while on the other hand it latches the firm which doesn’t obey the rules or set of guidelines established by them. Often employers feel scared of undergoing an OSHA inspection counting they don’t follow the guidelines. Lockout Tagout Products

It has been observed several times that the employers who got in conflict with OSHA were not fully aware about the things to expect from an inspection. Since it is not a general school probe so understanding the things that have to be done in order to protect yourself from any sort of trouble is important.

The Inspection comprises of three stages of which the first one is opening conference, then a factory walk-through, followed with a closing conference. Make sure to greet the inspector when they arrive and check their credentials. It is important to ask for the reason behind their visit in order to know whether they have come on a programmed inspection or for a complaint done by some employee.

The must have records to be submitted to OSHA for examination includes the following: –

1. Injury/Illness records upto last five years.
2. A descriptive hazard communication program.
3. Emergency evacuation procedures.
4. Descriptive Lockout Tagout Programs.
5. Medical Records.
6. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
7. Bloodborne pathogen Training Documentation.
8. Respirator Programs.

The scrutiny may cover all or partially your facility as an OSHA inspection is not restricted to a certain area. And if the compliance officer finds anything suspicious in open view, they have the right to expand the examination. Also, make sure to not delay the OSHA Inspection considering asking for too much time may raise their doubts and more likely the next inspection will be more comprehensive than the first.

Also, do not forget to fix the problems that the inspector notes before they leave the building. It is advised that you review the examination with the team itself. Alright, that’s it for today. Stay tuned to our blog for more relevant information regarding Lockout-Tagout procedure. And if interested in buying LOTO Kit, feel free to order them online because we, at Safety House, are the best Lockout Tagout Product Manufacturer in India.

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  1. Scaffold Tag
  2. MCB Lockout
  3. Lockout Padlocks

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